
Peter, Andrew, James, John, Mary Magdalene, Stephen, Philip, Paul, Barnabas, John Mark, Aquilla, Priscilla, Lydia, Mary the mother of Jesus, James the brother of Jesus… these are a few of the disciples we read about in the New Testament. These (and all others) were sinners who found forgiveness and grace in the Good News of Jesus Christ. They all made mistakes after being saved, but they believed their righteousness was fully dependent on the Messiah. “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:22-24)

Disciples are those who, after receiving such a great gift, dedicate themselves to follow the Master. Disciples take seriously the life they live on earth, desiring to bring lasting fruit to the Father. This fruit only comes as one abides in Christ and receives Living Water from the One who gave his life.

When our oldest daughter Kinsey came back from Zambia five years ago, she told us about a young missionary who had moved there after graduating from college. During Kinsey’s three months in Africa, Megan was a living example of a disciple of Christ. Knowing she still lived there, Kinsey told her little sister to get to know Megan as she studied abroad in Zambia.

Because of schedules and work loads, Karlyn did not get to be around Megan much the first several weeks of the semester, but eventually they got to work together. Megan is now thirty years old and has had an impact on hundreds of children in Zambia. After children leave the base orphanage, Megan continues relationship with many of them in the outlying villages.

Karlyn accompanied her to one village where a blind couple lives. Their five children were cared for at the base until they were old enough to move back with their parents. Megan counsels, encourages, and loves this family through some difficult circumstances. Disciples of Jesus remember the most important command of the Master is to love others the way He loves us.

During one of the team’s long excursions on the rough African roads, Megan got to encourage the Americans. She instigated a conversation with one of Karlyn’s friends that clearly impacted a young life. The discussion centered on using our gifts for the glory of God. The Father gives gifts to build up the Body. If we bury our gifts, we rob others of the blessings God intends to give. As Karlyn shared this story and the subsequent effect it had on her whole team, I thanked God for a young disciple willing to humbly yet boldly pass on important truths. Disciples constantly point to the Father, Son, and Spirit using God’s Word as light and life.

I imagine Megan shies away from being held up as an example, but disciples walk in such a way that others can look to them. Jesus is the only One worthy to be exalted, but a disciple can honestly live with an open heart and open home. “Come see the way I live. Come be my guest in my home. Everything good I have comes from the Father above and I will be happy to share. Jesus has changed me; He is my Hero and my best Friend. He is also my Lord so I will follow wherever He leads. I love Him, but the truth is: He loved me first. And He loves you too! Don’t you want to be his disciple?”

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” I Corinthians 11:1

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