
Susan and I are so thankful our daughter Karlyn has returned from Africa after spending a semester studying abroad. God protected and blessed her and her team. He answered so many prayers and we continue to marvel at his goodness and power.

Last Saturday, her older sister Kinsey drove Karlyn to my parents’ house in Chattanooga where we welcomed her home.  Monday, three of Karlyn’s closest friends surprised her in our driveway after we returned from Chattanooga. We are thankful for family and friends.

img_3281While at the base orphanage in Zambia, Karlyn was assigned to Steve, an eighteen-month-old child with several developmental challenges. Over three months, Karlyn saw Steve blossom. He learned to walk and he progressed in language and social skills. You can see in the picture that Steve is a big boy, dwarfing all the children his age, but Karlyn witnessed the power that loving, consistent care has in the life of a child. We are thankful she experienced why ‘the greatest of these is love.’

Karlyn not only grew close to her teammates on this trip, but she also met brothers and sisters in Christ from other nations. ‘We are all members of one body,’ and Karlyn witnessed the beauty of God’s plan. As she told us of the gifts God planted in some of her associates, I was reminded of the wisdom of God. The Spirit gives according to the will of the Father, and God knows what best builds up his church. When body members, young and old, offer themselves to the Father for his glory, the light of Jesus shines in a dark world and hope expands. We are thankful Karlyn loves the body of Christ.

At the end of their journey, the team of college students spent a few days in Rwanda, where an atrocious genocide took place in 1994. Karlyn got to visit a home in the countryside where Christians met to pray and study the Bible. “They asked how they could pray for us,” Karlyn said, “and they wanted specific names and details of our requests. We knew they intended to pray seriously with expectation of answers.” I have witnessed such prayer meetings in different African settings. Hearing brothers and sisters pray boldly before God’s throne of grace reminds us what a gift we have in prayer. We are thankful Karlyn found herself in an atmosphere of faith and action.

After taking the requests of the Americans, one Rwandan lady asked if the foreign team would pray for her. “Tomorrow I am going to meet and forgive the people who killed my family in the genocide.” We are thankful Karlyn saw the desire of God for his children: ‘Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.’ We are also thankful she witnessed the humility we all must possess if we truly intend to be disciples of Christ on this earth. We face hard things here, but since we believe Jesus has overcome the world, we can say to one another: “Pray for me.”

I pray you enjoy counting your blessings this special season. And since we are so blessed, may we determine to be a blessing to others for the glory of God. Happy Thanksgiving!

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

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