
Last Friday, ABC News named D. J. Gregory its ‘Person of the Week.’ D. J. was born with cerebral palsy and doctors told his parents their child would be confined to a wheelchair all his life. His parents didn’t accept the doctor’s word that their son would never walk and decided to explore all possibilities. Their little boy underwent five surgeries before he entered first grade and finally learned to walk with a cane. A sports lover without the physical capabilities to play most games, D. J. taught himself to lean on his cane and swing a golf club with one hand. He loved to play golf, but of course could not become a professional. This past year, the Professional Golf Association agreed to let D. J. walk with a different pro each tournament of the PGA tour. He walked each round of the 44 tournaments in 45 weeks… 3256 holes… 988 miles.

As ABC showed film of this young man’s journey, you couldn’t help but wonder if physical pain was involved. His dad had tears in his eyes as he explained that the pressure on D. J.’s feet was incredible because his toes were twisted. Each day seven or eight Band-Aids would be placed on his feet to minimize blisters. This dad was so proud of his son because he set a goal and did not give up. D. J. fell 29 times over the course of the year on the best golf courses in America. “I’m going to fall; it’s just the way it is. So you know what? You get back up, and you learn from your mistakes, and you don’t do it again.”

As I read parts of his blog about each round of golf he walked with a different professional golfer in 2008, this 30-year-old competitor always ended the section writing something like this: “I want to thank ___________ for his kindness and generosity at the Memorial.” “I would like to thank ___________ for spending time with me last week.” “As I finish my week here, I want to extend my deepest appreciation and gratitude to ____________.” And on a particular weekend he wrote, “I would like to especially tell my mom, Jackie, how much I appreciate her unconditional love and support. I love you!”

Perhaps this man’s greatest attribute is that he is grateful! He could complain. He could dwell on the things he can’t do. He could quit. But instead, D. J. Gregory keeps taking one step at a time while telling those around him, “Thank you.”

Our family is full of thanksgiving as we heard Kinsey’s voice on American soil yesterday. We hope to see her in person sometime in the next thirty-six hours.

May hearts full of gratitude be lifted to our Father in Heaven every day he gives us!

I’ll be away next week. Happy Thanksgiving!

“Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter. I will give thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation… You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:19-21, 28-29)

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