I’ve been thinking all week about this question: What’s the difference between the Israelite bitten by the snake in the desert and the person in jeopardy of losing his soul? My first thought was that the person bitten by the snake knew he was in trouble, but the person lost in his sins may not even realize there’s a crisis. Recognizing there’s a problem is critical, but Jesus gave a much more disturbing answer in his talk with Nicodemus: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19)
I wonder if things are any different than when Jesus walked the earth. Do people still love darkness more than light? Does this still prevent belief in Jesus? If He were on the earth today would He say the same jolting things to our generation? If a normal American interviewed Jesus would he be happy with the answers he received?
American Citizen: Jesus, you seemed to boil everything down to one basic question: Do you believe I am who I say I am? Is that right?
Jesus: That’s about right. You’ve read the Gospel of John, haven’t you?
AC: Yes, a few times. But I don’t think we have the same problems in America that you faced in your day. Recent polls show that a very high percentage of Americans say they believe in you. Most go to church and most say they’ll go to heaven when they die.
Jesus: Don’t fool yourself. I think I’d get the same reception in your country that I did in Israel. Most in my day also claimed they were pleasing God. They weren’t. Neither are the citizens of your land.
AC: Well I know we have a lot of problems in our country, but I’m focusing on “belief in you.” Most Americans believe in you, don’t they?
Jesus: No. Most don’t. When I say “believe in me” I mean “know and believe who I say I am.” I was ultimately rejected on earth because people realized I claimed to be the Messiah. If a person really believed I was the Messiah, he would worship me as God and submit to me as King. If a Jew recognized I was Messiah, he would know he had to be totally devoted to the Holy One the prophets had written about. The person that truly calls me “Lord” gives up control of his own life and allows me to have complete authority. Don’t you see how this led to my death?
AC: Yes, I knew that, but I still don’t see what this has to do with my country.
Jesus: Because I am asking for no less devotion today. It would help your citizens if they understood the concept of “king”. You select your own leaders. You decide what you want. If you’re not happy with your leaders, you criticize them and vote for someone else the next election. A kingdom is a bit different. In a kingdom you do what the king says. You don’t get your choice. I’m afraid your citizens are so consumed with pleasing themselves that submitting to an ultimate authority is a foreign idea.
AC: Yes, but what if a king is bad? What if he abuses his power? What if he hurts the people?
Jesus: On earth, there have been many bad kings, but I am talking about the Kingdom of God. The Messiah is the perfect King. He knows all things. He has perfect wisdom. He is worthy of all praise and he can be trusted. Everything the Messiah ordains will work out for eventual good. I offer a life greater than what anyone can imagine, but a person must believe what I say is true. The moment one of your citizens sees who I really say I am, he is in the same position as those people you’ve read about in the Gospel of John. If he really believes in me, he forfeits the right to himself. He gives up his life and gains something far better. When a person believes, he receives Life and Light. Unfortunately, most choose darkness.
AC: But I just can’t believe it is this bad.
Jesus: OK, I’ll give an example. Would you say most in your land are overly concerned with what other people think?
AC: Of course. Advertisers use this to sell things. Politicians are consumed with what people think. Young people have to deal with peer pressure. Even churches aren’t exempt. I would say worrying about what others think is pretty widespread.
Jesus: It was widespread when I walked the earth too. You may remember me asking this question in the Gospel of John: “How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?” That was a rhetorical question. A person can’t believe in me the way he needs to believe if he cares more about what man thinks than about what God thinks. Do you see the problem? People are more interested in themselves than in God! People care more about the praise that comes from other people than the praise that comes from God. People choose darkness over Light! My call is a simple one, but only the humble can respond. Here it is: Come to me as a pauper. Don’t even consider the opinions of others. Come to me, knowing who I really am – the Messiah, a good King. Come to me, and receive true love – I am love. Come to me without claiming to know anything and receive the Truth that sets you free. I am Truth. I am the Way. I am Life. I want everyone to know me; for if you know me you will know the Father. If you know me you will love me. And if you really love me you will obey me, and we will come to you and make our home with you. I gave my life to make this possible. Won’t you come?