bad news

The result of last week’s tests brought a little bad news as we recently met with the doctor. The protein count that reveals multiple myeloma has started to rise again. We’re still going to try to collect stem cells this month then decide the best path to follow. We trust God will give us wisdom and, as usual, we appreciate your prayers.

Bad news is not so bad if we can remember the good things God has told us. Peter thought he was getting bad news from Jesus after the resurrection as his death was foretold: “I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” I wonder how many times Peter thought about these words as he encountered various dangers. Shortly after Pentecost, he and John were arrested for healing a lame man and preaching the gospel. I wonder if Peter reasoned: “This can’t be the end… Jesus said I would be old when I died.” Whatever he thought, all noticed the great courage of these unschooled men who had been with Jesus.

Some time later, Peter found himself in a worse circumstance. Herod had just put to death John’s brother, James, and since this execution pleased the Jews, Peter was seized and imprisoned. As he sat in chains, waiting for a public trial, Peter probably thought: “Well, I guess this is it. I thought I would be older, but Jesus told me I wouldn’t be able to stretch out my hands… and I sure don’t want to go to this trial.” But as he slept, guarded by sixteen soldiers, the church earnestly prayed and God did something that surprised everyone (see Acts 12). Can you imagine Peter telling the story? “I tell you, I was doomed! But then this bright light came and an angel told me to get my clothes on. My chains fell off and the gates opened as I followed that angel right out of prison. I thought I was dreaming… until I found myself standing in the middle of the street. Then when I knocked at Mary’s house, Rhoda wouldn’t even open the door! Everyone was convinced she had seen a ghost. That was quite a night!” I’m sure Peter laughed every time he talked about it.

It is not recorded in Scripture, but we know Peter did die. It happened just like Jesus said it would. Tradition says he requested to be crucified upside down. That sounds like something Peter would suggest. I’ll bet he had peace at the end. The Holy Spirit probably whispered encouraging words to him. Or perhaps He just reminded him of things the Master had already said: “Fear not, little flock, the Father has chosen to give you a Kingdom. You’re going to have trouble in this world, but take heart, I have overcome the world! I am with you… even to the end. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. We’re going to be together soon, and wait until you see what I’ve prepared!” The Holy Spirit still works this way… and bad news is not so bad.

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