important things

Someone asked me to call their friend who had just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. As I talked to a dear man and his wife, who are facing a great battle, I remembered all the questions, confusion, and fear that accompanies this disease. “Friend”, he told me over the phone, “I have to tell you, we’re just a little scared.”

At the doctor’s office this week, I saw the father of one of my old students. He has been fighting leukemia. The chemotherapy knocked out the leukemia but brought another cancer that has attacked his bone marrow. He is on his way to Texas for a bone marrow transplant and will be away from home for a minimum of four months. “I would appreciate your prayers”, he humbly requested.

I talked to another friend this week whose sixteen year old son is approaching the end of treatment for leukemia. This family loves God and testifies of His faithfulness through the storm. The son is a courageous young man.

At a tennis match this week, I saw one of my old players who is now in his mid twenties. He is fighting lymphoma with a great attitude. He told me he is closer to God than he has ever been.

Though going through intense trials, these people all have a perspective that is very focused. All that is unimportant or distracting has been cut away and clear priorities are in view. Four years ago, when I first started working again, I realized with amazement all the trivial things we worry about. It seemed that everyone was running ninety miles an hour and going no where. “Lord, I’ll never get in the rat race again,” I claimed. Now, despite my good intentions, I find myself running ninety miles an hour, worrying about things that aren’t that important.

I’m not sure how to avoid the pace of our society, but one thing I know: we cannot neglect the things that are important. I must pray for Buck, Don, David, and Shaun. I must love my wife, Susan, my three precious children, and Terry and John. People are important… “Lord, help me to love.” No matter how busy I am, if a friend is in need, I must find the way to serve him. And most importantly, I must walk with the Lord. He is our God, a mighty Fortress. He is our Shepherd and faithful Friend.

“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children. May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands – yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:1,12,16,17

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