
We walked to church in Denver the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Kinsey and Jordan plugged into Providence Bible Church shortly after their move this past summer. Meeting in an elementary school, this congregation of God’s people opens its arms to all.

There was a large number of African immigrants in attendance and there were many Hispanic brothers and sisters present, so the service was interpreted in both Swahili and Spanish. A person could sense God’s love before, during, and after the worship time.

I was impressed with the attention given to the poor and the homeless in the area. Denver has a fairly large population of homeless residents as do most of our American cities. The Christians at Providence know God has called them to love their neighbors in practical ways. Every individual is created in the image of God, so no matter a person’s skin color, nationality, or social status, each person is valuable. Our heavenly Father intends for His church to be a haven of love.

Where would the world be without the church of Jesus Christ? All over the world, His disciples offer a cup of cool water or a hot meal or a supporting hand to those in need. It seems that wherever I go, in our country or abroad, the beauty of the Body of Christ shines brightly.

After the service, as I stood in the school hallway waiting for Jordan to pick up two-year-old Owen from class, a young lady introduced herself to me and asked if I was Kinsey’s dad. I already knew who she was; I had met her husband earlier.

A week after Kinsey gave birth, she started feeling bad with a high fever. Susan took her to the emergency room. With IV antibiotics Kinsey fought off an infection, but she had to spend a night in the hospital. Kinsey and Jordan were both thankful that Susan was there to help, but such moments can be overwhelming even if an extra person is present. On the difficult day, this lady from their church, who has three small kids of her own, picked up Owen and kept him at her home. Susan remarked that this family’s kindness made a huge difference.

Our Savior wants His church to remember that “love never fails”… so:

  • Love God.
  • Love one another.
  • Love your neighbor.
  • Love your enemy.
  • God is love… rely on Him.
  • Live in love and live in God.
  • Be like Jesus.
  • Shine your light and let the Father receive glory.

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God lives in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.” I John 4:16-17

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