
“Yeah… but I’m the prodigal son times twenty-seven.” This was Jim’s reply when I told him the Father is always welcoming home His prodigal children.

I’ve written about Jim several times over the years. He’s my friend whose pattern has been: leave the streets, get clean, work hard, bless people… then return to drugs and homelessness. He’s been gone fifteen months. I get pretty upset with Jim after his falls, but without fail, God always calls several of us to go to the streets and search for one we love.

Since last summer, I’ve been about 0 for 30 finding him. I’ve made new homeless friends in the ‘search zone’ and when departing I usually say, “Tell Jim I’m looking for him.”

A recent Saturday, our daughter Kinsey was in town, so I took her with me into Atlanta. She’s known and loved Jim most of her life. As we strolled my familiar route, she commented, “Dad, I’m impressed you know your way around.” Kinsey understands well my directional challenges.

img_0675After walking the narrow streets and alleys, we headed back to the car and saw a man pushing a bicycle. “That’s him,” I said to Kinsey. “Dana… Kinsey… what are you doing here?” We hugged and chatted, then followed Jim to the location he stays… a porch behind a bar. He asked about everyone in the church, he showed us his wounds from a recent bike accident, and he pointed out all the small businesses he helps for a little cash.

“Why don’t you come home with us, Jim? You can get a shower and a good meal and see everyone at church in the morning.” “No,” he replied. “I’ll just cry the whole time.” “We’ll all cry,” I said, “but that’s OK.” Then we made the ‘prodigal’ comments.

It’s a thought-provoking question: If the prodigal son left twenty-seven times, would the Father still welcome him back? When Jesus told Peter how many times to forgive a brother, I think He surpassed twenty-seven. It is no challenge for God, but I have a hard time grasping such a mentality. Anger, judgment, and cynicism easily crowd out mercy, love, and compassion.

But then I ask: How many times have I failed? How many times has the Father forgiven me? How many times have I returned to familiar dark paths? We may not retreat to drugs and homelessness, but other choices are just as wrong. But because of what Jesus did, the Father forgives. His arms are always welcoming the lost child. I want to be just like Him.

“Be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.” Luke 6:36

“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’” Matthew 18:21-22

We’ll be away Spring Break so I won’t write next week.
Happy Easter!!

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