
This will be the last writing of the month since next week is Thanksgiving. We look forward to gathering with family at my parents’ house in Chattanooga. My mom and dad always help make Thanksgiving my favorite holiday of the year.

owenWhen Taylor was a little boy, Susan’s mom bought him a Cabbage Patch doll named Owen. Susan dad’s name was Robert Owen Taylor and he was known as Owen growing up in Alabama. Susan found the doll in the attic in time for Kinsey and Jordan to visit this past weekend. Two ‘Baby Owens’ brought a smile to our faces and reminded us of many reasons to be thankful.

We can be thankful for those who are no longer with us but whose lives still influence ours profoundly. We can be thankful for those who have only recently come into this world, with the hopeful expectation of a wonderful future in God’s plan. And we can be thankful for all those God has placed in our lives to love and encourage.

karlynAs we give thanks for our precious relationships, we can easily understand why Jesus told such parables as the Prodigal Son to reveal the love of the Father. Such love naturally produces thanksgiving for what is most important. The older brother did not comprehend his father’s emotions or actions. In response to his objections, the father said: “Son, all I have is yours… I love you too! But I have to celebrate the homecoming of your brother! He’s alive and back where he should be!!”

May we grow to love like the Father. And may we not forget to express such love in real ways.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20

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