
“Like newborn babies, crave spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” I Peter 2:2

Our family has a guest in the house. John’s mom loves him with a mother’s heart, but she cannot care for him until she completes a prison sentence. Sunday, with many tears, she asked us to care for her child until she is free. Our guest is a newborn baby.

We never need to tell John to crave milk. He craves well! I’ve forgotten the grunts, squirms, and cries of a hungry baby. “I need milk! I don’t know much else, but I’m hungry! I don’t care what else you are doing, feed me!” Of course, John makes these requests in the most polite way, but his natural longing reminds me of what I need.

If you have tasted that the Lord is good, crave Him! In Him we are saved, and with Him we grow. We can never get enough! If Susan tried to put John in front of the television the next time he was hungry, he would not be satisfied. Nothing will replace the nourishment he needs. So it is with us. No pleasure, no entertainment, no activity, no food, no friend… no ‘anything’ will replace the nourishment we need.

After John drinks heartily, he rests. What a beautiful sight… and sound! As we drink of our life-giving Lord, we, too, learn to rest… in Him. “Thank you, Lord, for paying the price. Thank you, Lord, for giving Your righteousness to us. Thank you, Lord, for showing us the Father. Thank you, Lord, for speaking to our hearts. Thank you, Lord, for giving us peace. Thank you, Lord, for being our Good Shepherd. Help us, Lord, to grow in You with the hope of bearing much fruit in Your Kingdom. Amen.”

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

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