
photoOn the Friday afternoon of the Mission India conference Susan and I attended a few weeks ago, I recognized Jeanne Robertson as she walked toward our place of lodging at the Billy Graham Center. Jeanne travels the country telling humorous stories and being friendly to people. She was Miss North Carolina in her younger days and has been six feet two inches tall since she was thirteen years old. Now she is seventy-two.

As she approached, I said, “Hello, Jeanne. I just want you to know that my wife is your greatest fan.” Jeanne gave a friendly smile and asked, “What is your wife’s name and where are you from?” I answered and said we were looking forward to her show that evening.

A couple of hours later, as we gathered in a large room outside the dining hall, I saw Jeanne speaking to two ladies. “Susan, come with me and I’ll introduce you to Jeanne Robertson.” My wife can be a little shy and she declined my invitation, but I kept inching closer and closer to the three ladies.

Finally, Jeanne seemed to end her conversation and as the two ladies walked away I drew close. “Hey Jeanne, I want you to meet my wife.” Jeanne grabbed my arm and said, “No, first I want you to meet someone!” She then called out to the two ladies and said, “Here he is!” As you might guess, I was a little confused, so Jeanne explained.

She had struck up a conversation with two new friends and asked where they lived. When they said “Atlanta,” Jeanne asked their names and one of them answered, “Susan.” Jeanne then replied, “Well, I met your husband out near the parking lot.” The woman replied firmly, “No ma’am, you couldn’t have… because I’ve never been married.” So after Jeanne Robertson introduced me to another Susan from Atlanta, I introduced my Susan to her favorite entertainer.

Of course Susan and Jeanne struck up a great conversation and as we stood in the buffet line together, Jeanne asked if she could eat with us. We laughed a lot during her show, but we enjoyed even more sharing a meal together.

I probably won’t write next week as the holiday approaches. I hope you get to share some enjoyable meals with ones you love over this Thanksgiving week. Let’s all give thanks with great joy.

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:2-3

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