Over 26,000 people gathered in San Francisco this past week for the American Society of Hematology Conference, where doctors and researchers shared progress being made in the fight against blood cancers. I was invited to speak to a group committed to find a cure for multiple myeloma.

Susan and I flew to the West coast Friday and walked around Fisherman’s Wharf, taking in the view of the Golden Gate Bridge and other beautiful sights. We rode the famous cable cars up and down the steep streets of the city and ate seafood on the bay. We had a great day.

On Saturday, we made new friends at a nice dinner given to survivors and support group leaders. Three other patients joined me at a reception where we shared our experiences and expressed appreciation to those who work to help those dealing with cancer. We were with doctors and researchers from Japan, Italy, Australia, India, and the US.

Brian Durie, one of the world’s leading multiple myeloma doctors, introduced each patient before we stood to speak. Susan and I flew to Los Angeles in 2001 and met with Dr. Durie to ask advice about six months after I was diagnosed. I don’t think he remembered us, but I was able to thank him, my doctors in Atlanta, nurses, and researchers for their contributions to my health.

I also thanked Susan in front of a crowd well aware of the role care givers have in the life of a cancer patient. The Person I thanked above all was Jesus, who has walked with me and given us all peace through the years. I told about people who prayed for us and of incredible answers God has given. Though I don’t consider myself a polished orator, several thanked me for speaking from my heart.

If our hearts are full of God’s love, maybe that’s what Jesus wants us to do. “Go and tell how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you,” Jesus told the man who had been delivered from a legion of evil spirits. That’s what I want to do too.

“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” I Peter 3:15

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