
Not long ago I shared the plan to enter another multiple myeloma drug trial as my latest chemotherapy lost effectiveness. We’ve learned quite a bit about blood chemistry the past several years and we remain in continual awe of God’s handiwork in the human body.

In order to be accepted in this new trial my blood counts needed to be at a certain level, so I requested specific prayers in this regard. My platelet count has been the weakest since my stem cell transplant of 2009 and several friends told me they were going to pray for a turnaround. Thursday’s blood test revealed my platelet count to be higher (by quite a bit) than it has been in years. A few nurses chuckled as I told them people were praying, but one nurse looked at me seriously and said, “God answered those prayers.” There is really no other good explanation. My cancer counts have been rising and that usually results in depressed ‘good’ cells, so thank you for praying.

I survived the first round of this new treatment last week, arriving at the hospital at 7:00 am and departing at 9:00 pm. I hope this week’s session will not take as long.

Thirty minutes after I was seated Thursday, an attractive young lady of Indian descent sat in the chair across from me. I said ‘hello’ and she smiled and returned the greeting. I kept thinking there was something familiar about the girl, but I refrained from asking questions as my family often accuses me of being too nosy.

Susan arrived to sit with me a little while later and soon the young lady spoke. “Are you the Davises?” she asked. “Katie!” Susan exclaimed and we renewed an old friendship. Katie was adopted as a baby with her new family being fully aware that she had a rare blood condition that could not easily be treated in India. We met her through church fellowship when she was about six years old, but we had not seen these friends in many years. Katie is now twenty-four years old and must receive red blood cells every three weeks. She is otherwise healthy and beautiful inside and out. She shared news about all her family and reflected the Spirit of Christ as we spent the morning together.

We have a Father in Heaven who cannot only adjust blood cells in our bodies, but can place members of his Son’s body in the same room for mutual encouragement. And perhaps He wants us to realize that just as each member of the human body is of vital importance, so each member of the body of Christ is precious and valuable. “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” I Corinthians 12:27

“For we are his workmanship…” Ephesians 2:10

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