
I got five immunization shots last week. (My arm is still sore!) My immune system is only a year and a half old, so they gave me the same shots they give babies. I received this new immune system through an amazing procedure called a stem cell transplant. Stem cells are the powerful cells God put in our bone marrow to produce other cells in our body. Since other treatments were ineffective in knocking back the cancer, it was proposed we go this route.

I often thought, “Why can’t they just give me a pill?” But such a strategy would not deal with the root of the problem. “Why can’t they just do surgery and cut the cancer out?” But the problem is in the blood and you can’t simply remove a person’s blood. A radical approach was needed, but one that had some hope of success. The only way to kill the cancer cells was to kill all the cells in my blood – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Of course, this leaves one without an immune system – which is quite dangerous (and not much fun). Here was the doctor’s explanation: “We will take the stem cells out of your bone marrow, then kill all the cells in your blood with high dose chemotherapy, then re-inject your stem cells and wait for them to build a cancer-free immune system.” Being the patient man I am, I asked if there were things I could do to hurry this process along. The answer was a firm “no”. I had to be content to do as I was told and trust such a procedure to work.

God has provided an even greater remedy for a graver problem we all have in common. We know we have sinned, and we thank God for the forgiveness of sins through Jesus. But what about the root? Are we sinners because we sin? Or do we sin because we are sinners? Scripture reveals that our very flesh (or our sinful nature) is the problem (read Romans 7). God knows we need forgiveness, but He is far wiser than one who just pulls the bad fruit off a tree and says everything is alright.

We would be content to attack the root of the problem a different way. “If I can just do some good things to make up for my mistakes, surely God will forgive me.” “If I can just get some good advice, I’ll improve my habits and be a better person.” “If I go to church every time the doors open, surely God will overlook my evil heart.” Such things may ease the conscience a bit, but they do not deal with the root. God does not want to simply improve a sinful heart; He wants to give a new one. He plainly sees every soul as righteous or unrighteous. The righteous have all been given this gift through faith in Jesus. The unrighteous have trusted in something else.

We ask the same question people did when Jesus walked the earth: “What must we do to do the work God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” He is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. In Him there is forgiveness. In Him there is true life. The Holy Spirit is given to all who fully trust in Him. Such a gift is far greater than a new immune system!

“… For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast…” Ephesians 2:1-10

“… Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation…” II Corinthians 5:14-21

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