
We had a great trip to the Czech Republic over spring break. It was exciting to see our team of young Christians share their faith with other young people who have not heard much about our great God and His Son. As usual, I stand amazed at the faithfulness of God.

On the last leg of our journey home, a nine hour flight from Paris to Atlanta, I received the greatest compliment of my life. It came from a seven year old boy named Roy who was traveling to America from his home in Paris to visit his father. Realizing this little guy sitting next to me was all by himself, I thought I would befriend him. Here’s a bit of our conversation (I wish I could include his accent):

Roy: Are we almost there?
Me: No, we have nine more hours… How long are you going to be in America?
Roy: I’m staying for the Easter holidays.
Me: Oh… You know Easter is the day Jesus came back to life.
Roy: Jesus… I’ve heard of Jesus… They put nails in his hands (showing me) and they hung him til he died.
Me: You’re right, Roy, they sure did.
Roy: Jesus was an Israeli.
Me (after a little thought): You’re right, Roy.
Roy: And the people that follow Jesus are called Christians.
Me: You’re right again, Roy.
Roy: Are you a Christian?
Me: Yes Roy, I’m a Christian.
Roy (with a big smile): Well, I’m a Jew!

While we were talking, a flight attendant came by and spoke to my new friend. Intrigued that he was not speaking English or French, Roy clued me in after the attendant left. “That was Hebrew.” It is quite humbling, as a 44 year old man who struggles with his own language, to sit next to a seven year old who is fluent in three!

Roy told me of his puppy and his school and his best friends. He showed me his loose tooth and we worked a while on a puzzle. After an hour or so, my daughter, Kinsey, came by and I asked if she would take my place and show Roy how to play the video games at each seat. As I rose to exchange places with Kinsey, the great compliment was given. With a loud voice, Roy cried, “Bye Jesus! Come back soon, Jesus! I want to see you again, Jesus!” (I received more than a few concerned looks from other passengers on the plane).

There’s a song out now called “I Want to be Mistaken for Jesus”. Oh may the world see Jesus in us… young and old, rich and poor, Jew and Gentile… may all find He is good.

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

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